Wednesday, 11 November 2009


Harper Collins, the Publishers, have a site called, Authonomy. Thanks to someone I met on Twitter I heard about it. That persons name is Tania and she has her book on there called, That Last Summer. If you go to the site, which I hope you will after reading this, then please look up her book as it is an excellent read which is completely different to mine.

A couple of years ago, I was told by about 3-4 different Medium friends I have, that they could see a book with my name on it. It was suggested that I sit at my computer and wait to see what would happen. I did so and I have now written 2 and 1/2 books. Two of these books have been written by me, but the wording was given to me by another and that person was from the world of spirit. Now, you may find that very hard to believe - so do I, but it is fact. The writing is different to my style and has a flow to it that I couldn't do. I have put two books on Authonomy and I now wish I had only put one of them on there. Quite honestly, I can't even remember what they say. It is so long since I put them away and never looked at them again. One is a smaller manual type booklet, the other is more in depth. Both are on the same subject and are called: A GUIDE'S GUIDE TO MEDIUMSHIP AND HEALING and A GUIDE'S GUIDE TO THE PARANORMAL.

It is thanks to Tania that these books have been put on there and I am not sure how they'll do or what people will think of them. So far, I have had very favourable comments, but I need to target a market that is more for this sort of literature. keep your fingers crossed that this may lead to something. If any of you reading this can get others to read my ( and Tania's) books to support us, please do so.

This is a very small post this time as I have been so busy, and still am. I shall put a link on here that you can go to in order to see our books. Happy reading and thanks for your support,


You will need to copy and paste these onto a google site or similar.

Monday, 19 October 2009


By now you all know that I have pretty strong opinions on things and am not afraid to speak out. The possible postal strikes is one of those things that I have no time for. I had quite a diatribe with a postal worker about this very thing on Twitter. He/she tried to tell me that they were doing it for US!! No, I am very sorry, but NO striker ever did it for the people. They do it for themselves and what they want from their bosses.

I have no problem with what this person told me about their present working conditions, but I do have a problem with their attitude. All over this country today, there are people being treated in the most disgusting way by their bosses. I have been in the workplace at the hands of these people who believe themselves to be all powerful. The truth is, people at work are being bullied, used and abused by their employers. They are threatened with losing their jobs if they don't work unpaid overtime and often are unable to take their holiday entitlement. I had the same at work, I never took holiday as I was told that they were too busy. If I wasn't that worried about my job then there may not be one there for me when I got back. And as for their argument about the amount of workers - when I left my last job it was split between 5 people. Yes, 5 people. That is how hard I was working so don't tell us how hard done by you are. We ALL are these days.

How disgraceful is this behaviour? Sadly, it is not uncommon behaviour and the majority of workers today are having to put up with this treatment. Why this is allowed to happen when it is common knowledge I do not know. It is time the Government stepped in in did something about it. I do not for one moment believe people who go out to do an honest days work should be treated in this way. It is making people ill and once the company has burned you out, you're replaced without any feelings of conscience on their part. They just use you until there's nothing left.

Now, all of this said, how many of these people go on strike? I am sure that many, if not all, of you reading this are going through the same treatment at your place of work. Have YOU thought of going on strike? No. So why do these postal workers think that they will win the sympathy of the general public if they do? Don't they realise that by their very action, they are making the lives of all fellow sufferers worse? Their strike action is only going to antagonise everyone in the country. If everyone else has to put up with it, and far worse in some cases, why should postal workers feel it is their right to make life even worse for people? Are they so unintelligent that not one of them can see this is the only outcome they will achieve? They will get no sympathy from anyone except Labourites who would all go on strike given half the chance.

It may seem harsh, but kick the whole lot out and give their jobs to people who are desperate for a wage. There are people out there who have been seeking a job for a long time with no joy. Honest, hard working, decent people who only want to get out there and do any job, even ones they are well over qualified for. These people would gladly take their jobs and would do them well. No one is irreplaceable and maybe they should realise that. We all like to think we are very important and that we would be missed if we went. The reality is very different. There is always someone else able to step in your shoes and do your job equally as well, if not better in some cases.

It is time we took a harsh line with these shirkers. There has to be another way to sort their grievances, but I do wonder just how bad things really are. The person who spoke with me to argue their point in favour of strike, was complaining about working ONE extra hour a day. ONE!! I used to do an 84 hour week for goodness sake and didn't moan. I was grateful to have a job and a wage packet which enabled me to look after my son. I have never been on the dole in my life. There are always jobs if you are willing to do anything when necessary.

I'm sorry, stop moaning and thank God that you are still in work and being given a decent wage. Yes, it is decent even if you don't think so. Everyone else is in the same boat my friends so get on with it or find something more positive to do about changing things for the better. Doing the dirty on other people is not how to gain sympathy or win votes. Think on it and maybe you'll realise that actually, you are very lucky people who will actually be able to afford Christmas for your children this year. How many unemployed can say the same!!


Some people seem to think I am complaining about our postmen/women.I'm not. They do an absolutely superb job in all weathers and against all the odds of badly addressed or almost illegible envelopes. I would hate to see them disappear from our streets and fear that this may happen. I thank each and every one of them for the incredible job they do, but I do stand by what I say about the strike action. I have spoken to many postal workers who are actually AGAINST the idea of striking and do not agree with points put forward in its favour. From this, it would appear not ALL postal workers are of the opinion that there should be a strike and some do, in fact, agree with my opinions.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009


A couple of years ago whilst at the Theatre attending a show, I was aware of something happening next to the person singing. I could not work out what was happening and kept trying to figure out if it was the stage lighting or a smudge on my glasses that was making me "see things". I soon realised that, yes, I was seeing things, but not things of this world. As the singer had stepped onto the stage everything was quite normal. The moment he opened his mouth to sing is when everything changed for me.

Once I realised and accepted that there was indeed "something or someone" standing next to him I linked in. This has never happened to me in a theatre like this before. At the end of the show, the star said he would be signing autographs in the foyer. As I went to leave, I found myself drawn towards him. I had received information for him but didn't want to approach him as it is rather naff and besides, he would probably think I was a nutcase. However, I wasn't able to leave and I saw him glancing over at me several times. I did approach in the end and asked if I could speak to him privately. He came to one side and I gave him what I had received mediumistically during his song. He was stunned and thanked me.

Two weeks later, there was another musical with the same touring production. It was different from the first show we saw him in and had already bought tickets to attend both shows before meeting him. We went along and enjoyed it just as much. This time though, for the whole of the second half, the stage was filled with people (from the world of spirit) each time he came on stage. I knew they were all around him but decided that this time I was NOT going to approach him again. I didn't, but, he did approach me. He asked me to wait until everyone had gone because he wanted to speak to me.

My husband and I stood to one side and as we did, I felt drawn to a lady standing nearby. I kept glancing at her and in the end approached her. I said "you're his mother aren't you". She was very surprised and admitted she was. I then said something to her about him and gave her a message which saw her promptly burst in to tears. I apologised profusely. It hadn't been anything nasty, worrying or something that shouldn't be said. It was an ordinary statement given word for word the way I had it "given" to me to pass on to her. She then gave me her telephone numbers and asked me to call her in a day or two. She said "You have no idea about what you've just said and its meaning, do you?". I admitted I didn't. She said I had made her so happy with that comment and she wanted to explain to me. Even though I told her I didn't need to know she insisted. Her son also talked to me at length and they both wanted a chat about it.

I shall say no more on that matter as it is very private. What I shall say is, that something very big was happening in their lives which is why I think my evening was interrupted as it was. A message HAD to be got through to them and I was probably the only medium there in the audience that evening. The second show and meeting between myself and his mother, Kate was the start of a really deep friendship which continued until this year. Although on tour a lot, as it was her production, she used to e-mail me all the time and we spoke on the telephone. We told each other such secrets that we couldn't share with others. We were of a similar age and had much in common, least of all her son and mine who are of a very similar age.

The touring stopped and she resumed a life where she could once again play her golf and go skiing and on her cruises. One day last year Kate told me that she had to go to hospital for some tests as she wasn't feeling too brilliant. Not too bad, just not excellent and her blood tests had shown she needed further tests. I too, at that time, was having health problems. I had just had an operation which resulted in a very serious post operative infection and was still feeling very tired and lacking of any strength and so we shared our health secrets too. Both of us ended up improving and Christmas came and went. The new year brought terrific news that her son was getting married.

Wonderful news and she was so excited. As the year progressed I started having more health problems and so did she. Once again we jokingly told each other what a pair of old wrecks we were becoming. In the April she went off on a skiing holiday and all went quiet whilst she was away. On her return there was much to do as the wedding was in May and she would be very busy. She told me there was something she wanted to discuss and said she would contact me on her return. She also said she owed me a very long e-mail and would send one as soon as things calmed down.

My birthday, and her son's, are one day apart in March. She and I spoke at that time and she told me she was in training for the "Race for Life" a race done for cancer charities. It was in the July and so she was busy with that as well as everything else. I spoke with her again in April about the race and sponsored her for it, wishing her well with the training and saying I wished I was as fit as she was. Only two weeks after that her son telephoned me and informed me Kate was dying and had less than two weeks left to live. I was in total shock. Kate had just been away skiing and only two weeks ago she had been playing golf. How COULD she be dying? She had asked him to telephone me as she wanted me to know. She apparently lapsed in and out of consciousness from thereon in. Three days after that 'phone call, I received another to tell me that my dear friend, Kate had died.

My health problems continued and I had another operation in July this year. I thought of my dear friend and how our health problems had ended so differently. Although I had another post operative infection and was in a lot of pain, I was going to get better. My dear friend hadn't been so lucky.

On my computer, I have some of her e-mails which I filed. Only because they held certain details I didn't want to forget, dates, names, places etc. I have a bad memory at times and these were important details. That file is named KATE. I cannot delete it yet. I also still have her e-mail addresses on my list and cannot delete those either. Same for all other numbers and things. She died one week before her son's wedding. How terribly sad for him. He sent me a photograph of him with his new bride and they looked stunning. They are both very good looking anyway, but their wedding day finery made them more so.

I shall always miss my dear friend. How strange the way we met and that such a deep friendship should have been forged from that brief meeting. One day I shall be able to delete her name from everything. Not yet though. Rest in peace dear Kate and if you ever want to come back and pass a message for your son, I will be only too happy to give it to him. Miss you terribly, my love always,

your friend

Lorraine. xxx

Tuesday, 29 September 2009


Help for Heroes, for those who don't know, is a charity set up by a couple of people who were moved by the plight of injured/maimed troops returning from Afghanistan. The charity Bryn and Emma Parry founded has, to date, raised £27 million. That is amazing. These are the types of people that the British Honour's system was actually intended for. The ordinary man or woman off the street who did something over and above what is normal day to day achievements or work.

I'm not saying only ordinary people should be awarded or recognised, it can be for anyone at all. It could be celebrities, sports people, politicians, whatever. The problem is that these days the Honours are given out to people who are doing a normal days work. Usually people who are already being feted and fawned all over and have wonderful life styles with hardly any, or no, money worries.

It is not meant to be for footballers, golfers, cricketers, show business people, politicians or council workers. Yes, some of these categories may be entertaining us, but they are very highly paid for doing so. They are also given many freebies and are invited to all manner of dinners and events without having to pay a penny out of their own pockets. They have a wonderful life style.

Then you get the people who go to work every day in jobs they hate just in order to bring in a meagre wage packet. What they earn is barely enough to survive on in some cases and they certainly aren't given much thanks for the jobs they do. In fact, most today are treated in a disgusting way by their bosses and companies. With very little left over once bills are paid, if anything, they don't go to gala dinners, premiers or get given designer clothes to wear. No, and yet these ordinary people are the ones who often put themselves out for others. They are the ones who do the most extraordinary things to help make other people's lives better.

How sick has this Honours list become when it is now full of people who are doing something they are well rewarded for anyway. It is high time the people of this country who do outstanding work were repaid. Not the little local councillor who is usually full of his/her own self importance. Why should they get an honour There may well be the odd exception to the rule like Ian Botham whose reward was well deserved for all of his charity work. If he had been awarded a gong for his cricket prowess I wouldn't have been impressed at all. All celebrities, no matter what category that falls into, should only be awarded an Honour if they have done something other than their jobs. The same goes for MP's, councillors and anyone else who thinks they should automatically get one without earning it.

The sad thing is, that it is the same old story, you rub mine and I'll rub yours. I wonder how many of Gordon Brown's close chums will get a major gong in the next Honours list. How many singers, sportsmen/women, actors, councillors, MP's and similar will be rewarded for doing just a day's work that they're paid to do? Don't forget, we'll also have the token lollipop man or lady, school cleaner, one teacher out of many thousands and probably a dinner lady thrown in just to pretend it's an Honours list for the people. Just how unintelligent do these people think we are? I wish to take nothing away from these people, but why exactly do they deserve an honour? Have they done something extraordinary that we know nothing of? No, it is the Governments idea of trying to fool us and pretend the list is not full of their friends.

I would like to see Bryn and Emma Parry, honoured for the incredible achievement of setting up Help For Heroes. They are the sort of people the list should be full of. If there aren't that many people who have done something extraordinary, then don't hand out so many gongs. They are becoming so commonplace as to mean almost nothing now. I can guarantee that Bryn and Emma will have spent an awful lot of their own money trying to set this charity up. Not being celebrities, they will have had to work blood, sweat and tears to get the charity off the ground and heard of. They couldn't just telephone an agent and say "get me on T.V. to publicise my cause" No, they had to do it the hard way. The way none of these so called celebrities will even begin to comprehend. I can probably also guarantee that they are not millionaire friends of the Prime Minister. The money they spent out of their own pocket will have cost them dearly I should imagine.

When you start anything like that, the costs are enormous. I know, I did it myself once in a small way. They don't get help, and unlike a millionaire to which a few thousand means nothing, it means the difference between eating or not some days to ordinary people. For all I know, Bryn and Emma could be worth a fortune, then again, they probably aren't. What they have got is more than money can buy, They have a pure heart and soul. They have what so many people in this world today lack, kindness and a wish to help others without wanting something in return for themselves. In their eyes, their reward is seeing these injured people being helped.

Well done Bryn and Emma. If this darned Government don't give you what you truly deserve, then I know God will. your rewards will be far greater than anything this world can offer. God Bless you both,



Friday, 18 September 2009


Last week was the first time I felt able to try doing a reading again for someone after my health problems. For the last 18months - 2 years, I have had problems which have meant that my energy levels have been low. This in turn meant that there were times that I couldn't do readings for people even if I wanted to. It was all being blocked. Nothing at all would happen. It was as though I was put on rations. At the time, I couldn't understand what was happening. Why were there days that I could get things crystal clear and other days not a dickie bird.

It is only now that my health is improving that I realise just how unwell I've been and that I was obviously being restricted in order to preserve my energy levels in order to get through it all. My healing gift was also put to one side. As those of you who have read my psychic blogs will know, I "find" the area that has a problem with my left hand. For those who don't know, I hold my left hand about 4-5 inches above the persons body and move it around them until I feel where the problem is. I was struggling very badly indeed with this in the last few months and the ability stopped altogether. Yesterday, it appears as though it may be coming back.

I had someone here doing the housework for me as I am still unable to do certain things for a while yet. She told me her head was exploding and had been all night. She wouldn't go home and insisted she wanted to try and work through it. I sat her on a chair and placed my hands over her head. I used my left hand in the normal way moving it slowly around until I found where the problem was stemming from. I actually felt the heat showing me the exact spot the headache was coming from.

As my hands were several inches above her, she had no idea where they were placed or what I was doing. I only told her I would move my hands around above her so she wouldn't feel anything I was doing. As soon as I found the spot I needed to concentrate on, I held my hands above it. After a very short time she told me she could feel a lot of heat and told me where. It was exactly where my hands were placed. I carried on with the healing until the temperature in my hands returned to normal. This meant the healing was finished and so she then continued with her work. After about 5-10 minutes, she told me that her headache was almost gone.

I am delighted. Out of all of my gifts, healing is the one I love most. It can help so many people and I am so lucky that I have been chosen to be blessed with this most special of all the gifts. I realise that I have a way to go yet until my health is fully restored, but I have been shown that the gift of healing is being given back to me. I have no doubt that my health and the gifts will all improve in leaps and bounds now. I did my first reading last week and it went very well indeed.

The reading was actually done for someone I met in hospital the second time I was admitted. She was in the bed next to me and although she was only in there for the one night, we hit it off very well. During the day I was very poorly indeed, but many drugs later, by evening, I was well enough to chat to the other three who were in my room. One of them was a young girl of 17 and it was her first ever stay in hospital. She was a little nervous and thought our room was creepy and full of ghosts. We were actually in a very beautiful room, with very high ceilings and almost floor to ceiling arched windows which overlooked the most beautiful private gardens.

We were in the old part of the hospital which, to me, is very gracious and lovely. This young girl though was obsessed by the thought that this being a hospital, many people had died there and were probably haunting the building. She was really scaring herself. A couple of us talked to her and calmed her down and during it, I mentioned the old saying "the dead can't hurt you, it's the living who do that". She asked a couple of questions and it came out that I was a medium and clairvoyant. Well, the conversation took her mind off the other ghostly business and she became quite interested. There was much they wanted to know, but I wasn't well enough to say much, but the chat had calmed the younger girl and she went off to sleep happily, undisturbed by the hospital ghosts!

Now, when my new friend came to visit, we talked a little more of this as she was very interested in the whole subject. I asked her if she wanted me to TRY to do a reading for her explaining that it may not work. I started off quite hesitantly not knowing what would happen. It ended up as one of the best readings I've done for quite a while. She kept saying, "you're giving me goose bumps" all the way through as I kept giving her names, details and information that shocked her. The evidence she received was excellent according to her and she was thrilled. The reading lasted about an hour and I ended up taping a lot of it for her as she wanted to let her friends hear it.

I won't do it too often at the moment and shall take my time, but I have no doubt that the two occasions with the cleaner and my friend, happened to show me that my gifts are returning to me and will be able to be used properly again quite soon now. I am looking forward to starting my work helping people again as I have missed it. There are so many times when the healing has been shown to help so many people, that I would be upset to lose that gift. It is an honour to be able to be used in this way to do, what I see, as God's work. To me, it is God who does it all and I am used as an instrument. How lucky am I?

Anyway, as time progresses and more happens, I shall tell you about it. I think it may not be too long until this happens, as the girl I read for is telling all of her friends and she intends bringing them to see me. Let's wait and see what happens.

Sunday, 13 September 2009


Reading the paper today, I came across something about Halal meat. It was very distressing to read how the poor animals are treated and killed in readiness for human consumption. I an not a vegetarian and feel very guilty that I'm not. This is something that is starting to affect me more and more as time goes on. I am an animal lover and am horrified at the way these creatures are treated by mankind. All manner of slaughter is inhumane and cruel. It causes unnecessary suffering, fear and distress to the animal.

I mentioned Halal meat, but that is not an attack at it. It's just that reading about it made me think about ALL forms of slaughter. Abattoirs are horrendous places, and if most meat eaters went to one, I feel sure they would never eat meat again in their lifetime. These places are meant to be governed properly and attended by RSPCA officials. I can't see that being so. The stories that get leaked out, videos and photographs would all show that not to be the case.

Is there a way we can put an end to this dreadful, needless suffering and cruelty? What type of person can do that sort of work anyway? Why do they have to treat the animals as they do beforehand? I am sickened by what I read and see. I cannot look at photographs any more, nor can I read the stories printed on a more and more regular basis about these atrocities. I have cried so often and cannot sleep without nightmares after seeing or hearing these stories.

How hypocritical am I? To say all of this and then sit and eat bacon and eggs or a lovely roast beef meal is quite sick isn't it? Am I worse than these people who treat these poor animals in so horrendous and cruel a way? They are honest about what they do even though in my eyes they are monsters. And yet here I sit in my comfortable home able to go to a butcher or supermarket, pick up something that doesn't resemble anything likening an animal, come home and cook and eat it. I then sit and read an article that upsets me, get on my high horse and say how wicked this treatment of animals is.

I would LOVE to be a vegetarian, but I love my bacon and my beef. Is there a way we can eat meat without this cruelty and suffering happening? I used to be against hunting and I still am if it is done for what they call "sport". After all, sport is when the odds are even and each has an equal chance. Nothing equal about what they do is there? On the other hand, hunting when it is for the food chain is a different matter. It is a clean quick kill without any fear being felt by the animal beforehand. Is this the way to go then? Should we have people who are licensed to do this work on a larger scale somehow?

I don't know how this would work and there are many that say this wouldn't produce enough food. Well just look at how much meat and poultry is thrown away on a daily basis. All of that meat was once an animal which lived and breathed as we do. Its life was taken in an incredibly fearful, cruel, slow and painful way and for what? To be thrown mercilessly in a bin somewhere and discarded with no thought by anyone.

It is stated that God gave these animals to us for food, but nowhere is it stated that they should be treated in this way. Quite the contrary in fact. What can we do and can we do something to stop this from happening? There are those who already fight for animals to be protected and treated properly and humanely. There are not enough of them though. Then there are those who are so fanatical that they go about things completely the wrong way and are just barmy. These people ruin the good work done by others and stop the cause being taken seriously. There must be a way this can be done though. In my eyes, it is high time we all stood up and shouted about it. maybe we should all target our MP's and make them do something about it.

People power is a great thing if done properly and I am seriously considering getting my MP to do something for me. An Early Day Motion in the House of Commons would be a start. From that we could go for the 10 minute Debate and see where it takes us. Anyone else up for it? We don't all have to become vegetarians to look after these animals. We just need to have them treated properly, humanely and with the respect they deserve.

Please tick a box on the poll at the side of this article, thank you, Lorraine.

Thursday, 13 August 2009


Every day now we are reading about those poor boys who are being killed or maimed in Afghanistan. Well I for one am sick of it and have decided we all need to do something to make our government stop this slaughter. There is no other word for it. I am both disgusted and angered by the fact that those in control (and I say that very tongue in cheek) of our country seem not to care what happens to our troops or to us.
It is high time we citizens of the United Kingdom spoke up and demand it stops. We sit back idly and watch all manner of things happening in our country today. We are used and abused by many foreigners who come here and demand their human rights. What about OUR human rights? This is OUR country and we have human rights as well. This debacle in Afghanistan is just another example of this weak and ineffectual Government's ludicrous lack of backbone or control over anything. They are "yes" men and women who are scared stiff to offend anyone who is not British. What about us? What about our boys who are dying needlessly every day for a war that isn't even ours? How much longer are we all going to sit and watch and accept this senseless carry on?
This bunch of self serving politicians need to know that it is time they served the BRITISH people and not everyone else BUT the British people. They are meant to be The British Government and have been elected (or not as in Gordon Brown's case) to serve the British public. Then it is high time that is what they did. Well I am prepared to take on the Government if no-one else is. I am disgusted that this is being allowed to continue for so long. Give me a voice and I shall shout it from the rooftops. I am scared of no man least of all mealy mouthed, spineless politicians whose only thought is to look after number one. Is anyone prepared to have this said aloud and publicly? Is anyone else prepared to join me in this?
Let's all start to stand up for our lads and give them the support and help they deserve and so badly need. The help, respect and salvation from senseless deaths that our Government is willing to sit back and watch.
I hope that this letter can become public and that the content will be taken up in order that the people of this country can be heard. I'm not worried if the PM or his bunch of merry old men and women like me. I am prepared to stand up to them and demand our boys be brought home forthwith. Either that or they need to give us a very good reason why they are there. This is something they have been unable to do so far and none of us is happy with the feeble reasons they have tried to give up till now.
A very upset, frustrated and angry, supporter of our troops.

Sunday, 19 July 2009


Before I go into hospital I thought I would do one post. It is about the Christian Churches and their views on psychic gifts and mediumship. I am a Roman Catholic by birth and have followed that faith throughout my life. It is due to this that I have struggled desperately with these other "gifts" that I appear to have.

All of my life I have been ridiculed for my belief in God by those who believe in only the here and now. The very fact I am a Catholic makes that worse in their eyes. There are people in life who always look for what is bad and they will pick out only those things they hear about which they can abuse you with. e.g. priests who have run off with a woman, allegedly molested children, priests who have run off with men - all manner of things. Well, we can see all of these things in all walks of life, but sadly, there is a small minority of people who wish to look for the badness and love to bring down what is inherently good. This says more to me about those people than the ones they talk about.

Yes, these things happen. They happen in all other religions and non religions as well. Basically ALL religions are based on goodness and love. Sadly, many people who follow these religions do not do what they are meant to. Also, the ones who are meant to lead do not always do what they are meant to. Fact of life. The reason being - we are all human and have a human's frailties. What has all of that got to do with psychic gifts and mediumship I hear you ask. Well, it is another thing that goes against what the church believes in. Maybe not on the same level as child abuse, but the same level as a priest breaking his vows of chastity I would have thought.

You see to me, there are God's laws and there are man's laws. God's cannot be broken, but man's can be. I have hunted all over the Bible for chapter and verse on mediumship and psychic gifts. I have read books galore from all manner of faiths and religions on this subject. I have wrestled with my conscience and asked for Divine guidance. I have come to the conclusion, be it right or wrong, that there are some things in life that are a true mystery and that should not be delved into too deeply. There are some things we are not meant to know about whilst of this world.

To each is given a gift or gifts. How we use these gifts is what I think is important. Many can be the type which have produced composers such as Mozart, Chopin,Beethoven etc. It can be people who have designed magnificent buildings or made a mark in many other ways. It can also be gifts more ordinary but equally as important such as a person who can help others just by being there. A listening ear when needed, a kind word when no one else wants to know. There are all manner of gifts given and it is up to us whether we use them at all and whether we use them well or abuse them.

It is the same with supernatural gifts in my eyes. If they are totally natural and not forced then I believe they are of God and to be used to help others. This is why I don't like the idea of "Fortune Telling" which is what most people want. What I do believe in is the gift of healing, the gift of mediumship and the various psychic gifts which, if used properly, can help people.

Jesus healed and "knew" things about people. He did all manner of things and while I don't for one minute put myself, or others who practice these gifts, in the same bracket, I do believe we are given these gifts to help people. The ones who have them naturally always seem to be genuine, caring people who do it for the right reasons. The ones who force it and try to "learn" it are invariably the ones who charge a lot of money and can cause a lot of upset. This is not true of all, but of many. One good way to tell if someone is genuine or not is by who benefits the most. Do you who seeks their help, or do they who overcharge you and tell you nothing to bring any comfort? If you leave feeling empty and disillusioned, then that peron has not being doing it for you but for their own glorification.

There are also others who do these things and have no belief in God, but they are truly good people who do this for the good of others and out of a desire to help. These too are good people. There are many who do these things the wrong way and use people for their own ends. You will have to judge for yourself who you think to be genuine and who isn't. Just be careful and do not part with too great a sum of money. That should give you a clue immediately.

Jesus said that what He did, we would also be able to do. So why do the churches (of ALL faiths) tell us we shouldn't? I think it may well be because of the fact there were so may frauds and charlatans out there and they had to control it somehow or other. There were probably many doing things in God's name when they weren't actually doing His work at all. Maybe that is why they had to try and control it. I don't know, but it would make sense don't you think? Maybe the only way to curtail it was to ban it altogether. I do know that one Pope recently had a healer go to him to try and help. If it was wrong in the eyes of the church then that wouldn't have happened would it? Also, if there is no such thing as mediumship, why does the church have exorcists?

Too many people dabble in what they perceive to be the different or glamorous world of psychic phenomena. They want to be seen to be "different". These are the people to be wary of. These are the people who dabble where they shouldn't. These are the ones who can cause all manner of upset and wreak havoc. What about the genuine ones? - no, I think if God didn't want us to do it, we wouldn't have been given the gifts to start with. If all it achieves is goodness then it must be of God. If, however, it causes any upset or harm to others, then it is not of God. God can only do good, so if anything at all, or anyone, does things that do not have this outcome, then you know it is not God's work. That does not mean that there has to be a success rate every time. That would be unrealistic. But, it should always leave you feeling warm and contented and at peace. If it doesn't then you know it is wrong.

I may be wrong with my thinking, but it is a conclusion I have come to after many years of studying books on all manner of religious beliefs and doctrines. This is why I choose not to advertise what I do and do not charge much at all. I never charge for healing and only charge a minimal rate for "readings". If God wishes me to help someone, then that person will come into my life somehow or other. It has worked up to now and that is how I shall continue to practice. If it is meant to be then it shall happen. There are phases when I am sought out quite frequently and then other times it goes very quiet. I KNOW I could get a lot of work and make a lot of money if I advertised, but that is not what it is about in my eyes. People have always arrived when they needed to find me. I have no doubt they will continue to arrive as and when He sees fit.

Sunday, 5 July 2009


This part of the story is not about ghosts or haunting. This is to tell you how my psychic gifts came to life just by being there. This place must have the most incredible energies because everything came so easily and naturally without even thinking about it. Practically everything I said turned out to be pertinent. I have already told you about Tom, the chap with the cloth cap who sat on a bar stool. Well, this evening was to follow on from that.

After the frightening events of the night before, it had occurred to me to ask about changing rooms. As the "ghost" and I had appeared to come to an agreement though, I thought maybe I could stay there and at least try one more night in the same room. Also, I was told that this time, the hotel was fully booked and that the two rooms below me would be occupied that night. Reassured that all would be well (easy in daylight) I set out for the day and enjoyed a good trip to Longleat Safari Park. I love it there and so had a truly good day. I returned late afternoon and went upstairs to change and have a rest before dinner.

At approximately 7.30pm I went down to the bar and had a glass of wine before dinner. Although the hotel was full, I still chose to eat my evening meal in the lounge bar's eating area as I liked the atmosphere in there. The food was absolutely super and I stuck to the one glass of wine without ordering a bottle. It was a large glass and I'm not a great drinker so decided that would probably be enough for the evening. I noticed throughout my meal, that the chap behind the bar kept glancing over at me. Now I'm not deluded enough to think he was interested in me, but was intrigued as to his fascination. I soon found out.

I had no sooner put down my knife and fork than he was upon me asking if I wanted pudding. I declined and ordered coffee. He then checked there was nothing else apart from the coffee I wanted and then said "In that case, can they all come in now?" Totally confused I asked what he meant. He opened the door which led into the main bar area and said "It's alright, you can all come in". I sat stunned as a long line of people trooped into the lounge bar all looking at me as they passed. They found chairs, stools and whatever else they could find and sat down facing towards me and just stared smiling expectantly. I could sense an air of excitement but didn't know why or what it was about.

The owner came in and sat down at my table. She apologised about the mass of people and said she had mentioned to a couple of villagers what I had said about Tom and that Richard, the local who had come in the evening before, had verified what I had said. They were all intrigued and wanted to see if I could "do more". Well, nothing like this had ever happened to me before in my life.

As I looked around at them with a stunned look on my face, one of them asked me a question. She actually asked me "If we had a secret, would you be able to see it?" Without pause I looked at her and said "Yes, you were 13 at the time". She went pale. I don't know who was more stunned out of the two of us. I hadn't a clue where that had come from because I hadn't even thought about "linking in" or anything of the sort at that point. She had run a way from home at that age and I saw it all clearly in my head. The whole evening progressed that way.

I would talk to one person and if another asked a question I answered immediately. Another example of this was when one person I was reading for was being told about a car accident and someone who had died. I was explaining the circumstances, the road it happened on and the surroundings. I was also saying what the injuries were (without being too graphic). As I was doing it another chap interrupted and said that it sounded like his uncle's accident. Again, without thinking I turned to him and said "It's nothing like it at all. This was near a river in the country and your uncle's was on the motorway". Again, stunned silence. I turned straight back to the first chap and carried on with his reading.

Then one of the girls spoke to me. As she did so I started to describe a house, the grounds, the fact that there were three horses and then I hesitated and said "do you know, doing this makes me Tickled Pink". As soon as I had said that, I looked at her and said "What on earth made me say that whilst I was describing the horses? It's not the sort of thing I would say". She looked tearful and told me that Tickled Pink was the name of the third horse which had recently died.

The evening carried on in this vein and not one person was missed out. The telephone kept ringing and people were asking if "that woman" was still there and could they come down. Apparently, some of those who had been there, had gone rushing home and telephoned friends to tell them what was happening. A few even drove in from a nearby town to see me! It was quite amazing. The owner of the Hotel (or Inn) was very sceptical but intrigued. She kept asking people if what I had said was REALLY true or were they just saying it was.

Well, the fact she started talking to me made it her turn. I cannot go into detail as this one was pretty private. She told me to carry on in front of the people there, but it wouldn't be right to relay anything here. What I can say is, I described someone to her perfectly. I said how they had died, how the illness had progressed and what happened because of it. Gave their name to her and how the person was connected to her and various other details. She was in tears but asked me to carry on. Suffice to say, she wasn't a sceptic after I finished.

I sat there until 3 am in the morning doing this. I was exhausted. It was alright for them, but I now had to go back up to my haunted room - alone. Any noises this late at night I couldn't put down to other residents and so I was rather timid about going to bed. I needn't have worried as nothing at all happened. I went to bed and slept brilliantly again.

The next night my sister was coming for a meal. Several people came up asking me to do it all again and I declined. People get paid a fortune for that sort of thing and there was me doing it all for nothing. That said, the owner had taken me that day to another village some way off and treated me to lunch there. They had taken quite a bit at the bar the night before because of what I did and she wanted to thank me.

One chap who approached me the following evening was from a nearby town. He had come back especially because he had made enquiries about a hall in his town and hiring it. He then asked me if I would come and do a show there! Me, a show! Don't be daft. I declined. He was so upset as he thought that he was going to make quite a bit of money out of ticket sales. He kept asking and said that it could be a regular thing with me coming up at regular intervals and doing that town and several others nearby. It could have been very good for me in some ways but not others. That isn't what I believe in.

The last thing I will tell you is that every person in there that night had a reading. Many of them were told things about future events also. One person in particular I had to take to one side privately away from the others. I had seen pictures in my mind and as I started talking to her got a feeling I should stop and not say more in front of people. She kept badgering me and in the end I had to take her to a private room and tell her what I had seen. I explained I thought it was something I shouldn't know about and others definitely shouldn't. I had picked up on something she was going to do that was top secret. She was astounded I had seen it and what's more described surroundings so clearly.

A couple of years later on visiting for a lunchtime meal, I was told that all I had said had come about. There were those who approached and wanted me to give them readings there and then but I didn't. Once was fine and it had been spontaneous, but not this time like this. I can do all of the things I have just talked of if I choose to but not like that. At least I don't think I could do it like that again. I've never been in the same position a second time so who knows. All I do know is, that was the first time it had happened on such a huge scale and I am convinced it was down to all that goes on there.

I have since found out that many years ago when executions were the norm the grounds of that hotel were used for hangings. Whether that is correct or not I'm not sure. One thing I do know is, if ever you want to try a haunted hotel go there. Ask for the room at the top. If you have the courage I challenge you to stay there alone.

Thursday, 2 July 2009


Did you know that I used to be Matron in a boys boarding school? Funny isn't it. Can you believe me doing that. I was twenty eight years old and it was a way to get half fees for my son at preparatory school. What a laugh. At the interview I was asked what I thought of children. Without thinking I told her I couldn't stand the blighter's. Would you believe that got me the job.

Children are fine if they are kept quiet, well mannered and away from me. Can't stand all that noise they make. Don't get me wrong, I would never hurt one and if I had to look after it I would, but I'm not one of these women that looks in prams and gets silly about it. I'd quite frankly rather have a litter of puppies.

Anyway, I got the job and was chief Matron and had to live in. What a laugh. I'll never forget my first drama. There was me sitting in my sitting room after lunch enjoying a coffee when a pounding sounded on the door. "Matron, matron, Johnson's broken his leg". Yes of course he has says me thinking it's a wind up. In those days I was slim with an enviable figure (didn't know it then though did I) and used to never wear trousers. Well, a lady doesn't does she? I soon learnt.

I traipsed out in my pink silk dress and high heels only to find myself facing a real drama on the furthest rugby pitch. Oh God it was for real. I haven't got a clue about first aid and here was I in charge with hundreds of boys' looking to me to do something. Head held high I did my best impression of Margot from the Good Life as I tiptoed knee deep in filthy wet mud across the rugby pitches high heels being sucked off at every step. I eventually got there and knelt down in this filth and on seeing his leg almost passed out myself. I was very controlled and did all the right things and escorted him in the ambulance to the hospital. I looked a real site in my ruined pink silk dress which was by now the colour of mud.

Then there was the time that a sick bug swept through the school. Every chap went down with it. One night in particular was pretty bad. Quite a few had me up all night having puked over their beds and clothes which meant mattresses had to be scrubbed and dragged down three flights and propped against the Aga to dry overnight. Even worse, the floors in the dormitories were floorboards and it all went in the cracks. Don't even go there on that one. At about 6am yet another knock on my bedroom door. Little Boeckmann C. (all boys called by surnames) aged 7 was sick. He was the only one that night who used a bowl. I nearly cried with relief. You good boy I cried as I clung to his full bowl and trumped down the stairs towards the bathroom. Halfway down I slipped. Yes, you guessed it, all over me. I fell in a heap at the bottom of the stairs with sick all over my head and dressing gown. I sat legs akimbo on the floor outside purple dorm laughing hysterically. The boys dashed out most concerned to see me laughing when I was in such a state. They had heard me fall down the stairs and were staring with bulging eyes not quite sure whether I had gone barking mad or not.

I was expected to support them in sport as it was a very sporty school. I adore rugby and thought nothing of charging up and down the touchline like a fishwife. When it came to cricket, however, I'm afraid it was another matter. I know, not very British of me, but it is so slow. I like it hard and fast - so to speak. I was expected to sit and watch the whole bally match whilst sewing and darning their blasted clothes. I DO NOT SEW. I will wallpaper, paint, cook, clean, anything but I do not sew.

The headmasters wife was never very sure what to make of me. To her I was staff-which I was, but I also had a life she didn't quite like me having. One day she came into my room-without knocking-and asked whose clothes were in the cellar drying. When I told her they were mine she was most put out. She was actually rather rude and informed me she had checked the labels!!!! How incredibly rude and strange. She asked how I could afford the clothes I had as there were some very expensive labels there. Well, quite frankly, I had never come across rude people like that in my life and was at a loss as to how to answer. So I didn't which annoyed her even more.

She was further confused another time when a friend of mine was coming to take me out and she saw what he arrived in. I couldn't understand why he hadn't arrived yet. He's always late anyway, but this was getting silly. Suddenly a knock on my door (that was a first) and in she walks. Big false grin on her face telling me my friend had arrived and was in their drawing room having a drink would I like to join them! Turned out she had seen a Rolls Royce parked outside the playground door and decided she needed to know who it belonged to and had dragged him into their room for a drink while she 'fetched me'. She had asked where we were going and what we would be doing. He told her he was taking me to France for a meal. He also told her that he was flying and it was his aeroplane. I could have killed him.

Another time, I had borrowed a different car belonging to the same friend. It was a sports car and rather a flash one. It never occurred to me to think about it as I often used his cars. I drove it into the school and parked in Matron's space. Immediately the car was surrounded by all the young lads. I went up in their eyes immediately, especially after I gave some of my boarders a ride in it. I was only insured for all the cars because he was too lazy to drive me home sometimes and it was easier for him to tell me to take a car.

The boys were from age 7 to 13. Like most young boys a few had reached that 'difficult age'. I was 28 slim and obviously causing a stir with some of them as it turned out. I wasn't allowed a lock on my sitting room or bedroom doors for some reason so never felt really secure. One morning lying in bed, I was awoken with the duvet being yanked off me at force. I awoke with a start to see three boys standing at the foot of my bed. they had obviously planned to try and catch Matron naked. Didn't work. It was winter and like all good British boarding schools there was no heating.

I was wearing pyjamas, bed jacket and bedsocks so they never even caught a glimpse of ankle. Would you believe when I told the headmaster about it I was the one to be told off. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't lock my door. What was I meant to do when I was asleep. That was the last straw. I had been there a year, was working an average of 90 hours a week and was fed up with the headmasters wife with her digs at my social life and acquaintances as though I wasn't entitled to know the people I did. I had enjoyed it for the year but enough was enough. I decided to leave at the end of that term. It was great fun in some ways, but by golly do they work you hard.

So there you are. Another little episode from my very varied life. Hope you enjoyed it. It may not have the intrigue of my Jeffrey Archer/John Major tales but it was still a good time for me in some ways. Speak to you all again soon. Bye for now,
Lorraine. x

Wednesday, 1 July 2009


As I was lying in bed reading my book the handle of my bedroom door suddenly rattled very loudly indeed. Someone was turning it backwards and forwards very hard indeed and trying to get in the room. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I put on my glasses and glanced over at the door with my heart thumping. The brass ring was swinging backwards and forwards. Oh my goodness did my heart thump. I tried to calm myself and put it down to someone trying the door having got the wrong room. In reality that wasn't very likely. I have explained the layout of the hotel and how this room was placed well away from the others.

There were only two other rooms on this side of the hotel and they were at the bottom of the stairs which were used to reach where I was. I knew it couldn't be a mistake really, but I had to try and calm myself. In those days I didn't even have a mobile telephone as I didn't believe in them. Lying there quite cut off from the rest of the hotel, I had to try and calm my nerves. There wasn't much chance of there being an axe murderer or anything in this tiny village so I had to calm my imagination.

I had just settled down with heartbeat back to normal when there was the most enormous bang. It sounded like one of the bedroom doors downstairs had slammed shut. But the force of it made the room shake. Again my heart thumped. Oh my God, what on earth had made me think staying in this place was a good idea? Again I tried to think sensibly. I did deep breathing to calm myself and said that it must be the wind. Although my room had its own bathroom, I knew others didn't due to the age of the place. Maybe someone had got up to go to the loo and the wind from an open window had caught the door.

Before my heart had stopped thumping, the same thing happened again. Oh no. Heart thumping completely wildly now and with hands visibly shaking, I decided to tell myself that they were back from the bathroom and the wind had caught the door again. What else could I think? It was too difficult to settle and so I got up and put on the kettle. Good old British cup of tea sorts everything out doesn't it. As the kettle was boiling, I sat on the chair and picked up my book. I had no sooner picked it up than I hear the stairs creaking outside my room. Someone was coming up the stairs. This was nearly midnight by now. I really didn't like this place. I was getting more and more scared by the minute. I didn't know what to do. There was no telephone in the room, no mobile and I was cut off from everyone else. Oh dear.

Yet again the door handle rattled very strongly and I could see it turning. Eventually it stopped turning and just swayed. Well sod it, I wasn't going to sit there petrified for the rest of the night. I hadn't heard the steps creak and groan again so whoever it was must still be outside my door. I decided to throw open the door and face whoever was trying to scare me.

Very silly I know, but when you're that scared it's amazing what you'll do and I've never been one to give into fear, I would rather face it. I tiptoed to the door so as not to alert them I was approaching, unlocked it and threw it open. No one. Nothing at all. Impossible. There was no way they could have got down the stairs that quickly and disappeared. Well, they must have because no one was there. I assumed it was some silly idiot in one of the two rooms at the base of the stairs who had dived down and rushed into the room quickly. They had probably heard it was a middle aged woman on her own and that it would make for some good fun to scare her out of her wits. Or words to that effect!

The second I locked the door, literally the second, the handle rattled and shook again. I jumped out of my skin and scooted to the far side of the room. I stood there staring at the door and shaking like a leaf. Now I KNEW no one was out there and that if they were, it was a physical impossibility to have done that so quickly. What on earth was going on.

All went calm for about quarter of an hour. Again I started to relax. I went back to making the tea and this time managed to get it done. I sat in the chair drinking my tea and watching the door for what seemed like hours. It was probably only half an hour, but at that time of night in a village miles from nowhere, with no telephone and the night completely silent and black as only the depth of the country can be, half an hour can feel like an eternity.

I eventually got the courage to crawl back into bed. This time, I had put on the bathroom light and pulled the door so that a small glow of light would shine into the bedroom. No way in the world was I sleeping in a room with no lights on after what had been going on. If I should be able to sleep, then I wanted to be able to see what was going on should I be woken up by anything.

As you know I am a medium and by now, I was starting to wonder if this was a ghost. I kept telling myself not to be silly that there weren't such things. The dead can't hurt you - can they? Well I have watched my fair share of horror films with ghosts and ghoulies and it does make your imagination run riot at a time like this. At that point, I wasn't sure what would be worse. A human being trying to frighten me, a human being out to hurt me, or a ghost which I knew nothing about or what to expect from it.

I decided that a ghost would be better. If I was a medium then why wasn't I picking anyone up? I had never come across this before and so it was very strange and scary. A feeling I never get when practising mediumship. Lying there with the bedside light still on, I tried to "tune in". Nothing. Come on, I thought. If there's anyone there then let me know. Anything is better than this not knowing. I had a whole night to get through. Still nothing. I got up and went to the loo. My thinking was, if I DID manage to get to sleep, I didn't want to be woken up wanting to go to the loo. I would just end up petrified again.

I crawled back into bed and taking courage in both hands switched off the bedside light. Everything was pitch black. I shut my eyes tightly and then re-opened them. This time, I was able to see an outline in the dark due to the faint glow coming from the bathroom. Everything was quiet and, although not calm, I had at least managed to console myself that all was now well. I was lying on the right hand side of the double bed nearest the door in case a quick exit was needed and was just about to turn onto my side to prepare for sleep when - someone got into bed next to me! I went cold. I know now what "a chill went up my spine" means.

I actually felt the mattress sink down as someone got onto it. How had they got into the room. Eyes staring wide so that they were almost popping out of my head I turned to look. Nothing and no one. The air next to me was icy cold. I pulled all my mediumistic ability to the fore and tried to tune in. Nothing. I couldn't believe it. How could someone be there and me not know it.

At least now I knew what the problems had been. the hotel was obviously haunted. I had always wanted to stay in a haunted hotel but not alone and like this. I was petrified. I knew by the cold air what it was. When I read for people and link in, there is a coldness that comes around me, usually on my left side. By that, I always know I have linked in so to speak. This air is exactly what that felt like only much colder. I decided to speak to whoever it was.

I told them (in my mind) that they were very welcome to be here as they were here before me. I told them that they had really scared me and asked them not to do it again. I then asked if they would let me share the room with them that week and that I was very tired and needed a good night's sleep. Next thing I know it was morning. I don't even remember falling asleep or finishing the conversation. Obviously, whoever it was had decided they would let me stay there and share the room with them. The fact that I had acknowledged them seemed to settle them down. The rest of the week, I was allowed to be aware of a presence in the room but was never disturbed again by being frightened by whoever it was.

The next morning at breakfast I was asked how I slept. I relayed the night's events and it was only then that they told me I was the only guest in the night before. Each other night the hotel was fully booked, but that one night I was the only one. I said about the bedroom door downstairs and she then told me that they were both locked and no one had been near them. Everything was down to my ghost. She later told me that those three rooms were known to be haunted and that's why they put me there. They had wanted to know if I would pick anything up. Oh I did that all right. Thanks very much! It was also on this second day, that I was to have another very extraordinary evening that would involve most of the village residents but I'll tell you about that tomorrow.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009


A few years ago my husband went abroad for a week and I decided to use this time to stay at an Inn about 2 miles away from where my sister lives. Several times over the years whilst visiting her, I had thought it looked an interesting place in which to stay. This was an ideal opportunity and so I booked a double room, half board.

You can see this place on the Internet. It is called The George at Nunney (Somerset) and is a 15th century Hotel opposite the ruins of a moated 14th century castle. I love the place and was really looking forward to staying there. I knew nothing about it at all, but did wonder if it was haunted or if I would "pick up" anything whilst staying there. Now, I may be a psychic medium, but I have never seen a ghost which is a totally different thing to what I do. I still haven't seen one, but, I now know they exist. My first night was about to be very scary in some ways.

On arrival I was shown to my room which was sort of on the 2nd or 3rd floor. The main stairs take you to a first floor hotel lounge. From this room there are three exits. One takes you back the way you came, the furthest door takes you to all the main hotel bedrooms and the third exit on the right hand side of this room, takes you to where I was to stay. It led to two bedrooms on that level, but there were about six steps leading to another room on its own at the very top of the Hotel. This was the room given to me. These three rooms were quite cut off from the main body of the hotel and even though it was very nice, the fact I was alone made me a little nervous at being so cut off. Little did I realise then, that I was actually the only guest staying in the hotel that night.

I unpacked my things, had a quick wash and then left to go and visit my sister who lived in an adjoining village. She was to join me for dinner on the Friday evening, but the first two nights I would dine alone. I got back to the Inn at about 4pm with the intention of having a relaxing bath, a lie down reading for an hour or so and then a walk around the castle opposite before coming back and having a drink (or two) outside by the river before dinner. All best laid plans and all that.

As I came back into the hotel, there were two ladies sitting there with a cup of tea. They said hello and asked if I would like to join them. They introduced themselves as the owner and her friend who was also the hotel receptionist. It was kind of them to ask and so I agreed. We had a cup of tea and about an hour later we all had a glass of wine. Why not, I thought. I was on holiday and wasn't driving anywhere. How pleasant was this.

Where we were sitting was in the reception area. The reception desk was mainly in the hallway, but you could look through from the desk area into the bar which was behind a thick stone wall. As I sat there with them both sipping my wine I asked a question without thinking what I was doing. I looked at the owner and asked her who the man was who used to come in every day and sit on a stool at the bar in a corner by the door. I told her he smoked as he had just blown smoke into my nostril, that he wore a soft cloth cap and was called Tom. I don't know who was more stunned, them or me.

I am not now talking about the ghost. This was me picking up something mediumistically. This never used to happen to me like that but this place was something else and my gifts have never been stronger than they were in the George that holiday. I was asked what I was talking about and they were fascinated by my answer. They looked at each other knowingly but never said why. I found out the next morning why they had looked at each other like that. In fact, later that night in reality. Anyway, they said they didn't know who it was as the owner had only been there for about two years so wasn't sure about past regulars.

I later went up to my room, had my bath and went down for dinner. There was the residents dining room or another eating area for non residents in the lounge bar. I chose to eat in the lounge bar area as it had more character and I wanted to see what the local villagers were like. It was a good decision. I had a superb meal and then after I had finished was approached by the landlady. She told me that a man called Richard was bound to be in at any minute and that he had been a regular each night for many years. If anyone knew who I had been talking about earlier, it would be him.

He arrived and they asked him if they knew a man who smoked, wore a cloth cap and sat on the same stool in the corner at the bar every night. Before they could say more, he said "Oh yes, that'll be old Tom". You could have knocked me for six. He told us more about him and then we left it with no more said. I was asked if I could pick up any more, but I couldn't as I was tired by now and ready for my bed. The next night in the hotel was to be an incredible experience for me and the whole village. This night, however, was to be the most incredible experience I have ever had.

At this point, I still did not know that I was the only guest in the hotel that night. I knew there was no one else in to eat, but in a hotel (or village Inn) so far from anywhere, I put it down to them having eaten in Bath or somewhere else they had been to see that day and assumed they would arrive later. Wrong! With what happened next all I can say is thank goodness I didn't know that night that I was alone apart from the owners, who were in another part of the hotel. If I had known then,due to what happened later, that I was the only one, I would have been petrified out of my skin. As it was, I put it down, at first, to someone playing a joke on me.

My room was very pleasant, quite spacious, had a pleasant outlook and a decent sized bathroom. It had an old wooden door with an old fashioned latch with a ringed handle. You know the sort. Twist the ring handle and the latch lifts. The weather was very hot and so I had the sash window wide open for air and to try and get a breeze in the room. I washed, changed and did all the usual and got into bed with the bedside light on, picked up my book and prepared to read to make my eyes tired enough to sleep. And then the first thing happened.

Monday, 29 June 2009


Well it was last year, but it isn't now. Due to falling prices we took it off until things settled. Listening to people moaning about Estate Agents, yet again, reminded me of a poem I wrote many years ago. I thought that those of you selling your homes, or thinking of it, may well be able to relate to this. I hope you enjoy it.


My house is on the market
And I feel that I am too
For they ask such personal questions
Why are they all so rude?

I've cleaned and polished, gardened too
Bleach in hand, I've scrubbed the loos
Straightened the curtains and hoovered the carpets,
The table's done, so please don't mark it.

Up and down and in and out
they poke their noses all about
They come they go, as well you know
In all the places not on show.

Now time has passed and the agent's rung,
"I've sold your house" he says
He seems very pleased but can't understand
Why I am seeing red.

For he only wants his commission,
it really isn't fair,
He' reduced my house down more and more
And doesn't seem to care

It's very strange how things have changed
All in the space of a day
To sell I was told, "prices are low"
But as a buyer "they've all shot higher"

Now another home I need to buy
Doing it his way I can't afford
So I'll stay where I am, or do it myself
And give him back his board.

Friday, 26 June 2009


Yesterday, a friend came to see me and I gave her a small reading. Now, not so long ago, I was told that I would work with a new gift. It was to be a slightly new way of working which would help to convince people who may otherwise be sceptical. I have many ways of working, but in mediumship, it is usually the dead who you give evidence of. I would appear to be giving it of the living as well now.

One of the gifts I use is that of Clairsentience. In other words, I feel the other person's emotions, illnesses, suffering, joy, whatever. Whilst giving the reading, I suddenly started to sniff and keep rubbing one side of my nose. I felt something in it and kept pulling on the side of my nose in order to make more space to breath. It was as though one side had caved in and needed stretching in order to get air through.

She immediately told me that was something she recognised about the man she was seeing. I then went with it and tried to see what else would follow. There was quite a bit and I had actually linked into him and was aware of everything he was feeling and doing at that very moment. I gave her all of the information. Where he was sitting, what the room looked like, what he had in front of him and what smell was around. Thoughts that were going on in his head, what he was trying to work on at that time and more. This was confirmed when he telephoned and she asked him some questions. Before he could tell her all, she then told him the rest which in turn stunned him.

Up until yesterday, I had not done it that way. I have always been able to get something, but not in that detail as though I was that person. I really felt as though I were him. It was quite uncanny. Now, is this the new gift I was told I would receive? I was told that it would make my work easier and that it was a way in which things would be verified easily. this could well be it then. Usually, it is a psychic way of working that gives you information from reading another person's energy. This was totally different. This was definitely mediumship in an incredible new form for me.

I stepped inside that person if you like. I cannot describe it any other way. I was in that room and yet I was also in my own drawing room with my friend. there is no way it was bi-location as I wasn't also seen at the boyfriend's place. He was totally unaware of anything at the time I linked in. He felt nothing, nor did he see or hear anything. how did that happen then?

I have to say that it wasn't creepy or worrying for me, it was just puzzling. At the time of doing it I felt nothing. I was just relaying all I was feeling, seeing, hearing and smelling. To me, I was a part of that person. When nothing more seemed to be forthcoming I withdrew and pulled myself back to awareness of my own surroundings. I was not in trance or any other such thing, but it was something very different. I am looking forward to the next time I work to see if it happens again.

What is rather nice about it all was the fact that she was able to confirm straight away that all I said was spot on. It was amazing that he telephoned just after we finished and that she was able to check it all out. One thing though, I was aware of a couple of things he was feeling that I kept to myself. When linking in like that, it would be too awful if something private was relayed to another person. This is something I would never do.

I was not trying to connect with him at all. I had been working in my normal way when she started speaking of him. It was as she did so that I, apparently, started taking on some of his mannerisms as well as the sniffing. He sniffs not in an awful way, but in a way that he is obviously uncomfortable. It wasn't loud or intrusive, but something he just does quietly. I also took on the way he sits and a habit he has with his hands when thinking. He sits with hands clasped and twiddles his thumbs. Whilst I was relaying the information, I was apparently sitting doing that all the way through and sitting exactly as he would.

Well, I don't know what you think, but I'm quite pleased with this new gift if that's what it is. I really look forward to the next sittings to see if it happens each time or just now and again. There were exceptional circumstances involved with this one, so maybe that's when it will manifest itself. Only time will tell. I'll let you know if it develops further. As I say, this is not at all unusual when giving evidence of those who have passed, but for me, it is highly unusual to do it for the living. I wonder what else awaits me in the future. What a lovely time this is.

Sunday, 21 June 2009


Last time I told you how my writing started and who the person was who came through to me. There was more with William for a while and at one time I asked him what his signature would have been like. He showed me. About three weeks after this, a friend gave me a book which she had found in a second hand bookshop. It was about Cowper and at the front of the book was a sketch of him and his signature was underneath it. It matched the one he had given me perfectly. It was as though I had traced it they were so well matched.

As time went on, I became more adept at receiving this writing. It is completely different to my own handwriting and comes very quickly. If I try and write anything my wrist starts to ache quite quickly. Whereas my automatic writing comes very quickly indeed and always fills approximately fifteen foolscap sized sheets of lined paper. It used to be more about the way we live and how man is ruining the world they live in. There was a lot of philosophy (which I'm not into) and talk of how I would be used to spread their word when the time was right.

I still get a little of that, but I have had a lot of predictions albeit quite cryptically worded. The London underground bombings was one of the things told to me. It was stated that there would be major disruption with travel, that there would be explosions in more than one place and that the people responsible were British born, infiltrated throughout Britain in different positions and were awaiting their instructions. There was more than that, but this is the type of thing I get. I am always told the scale of deaths or injuries to expect as well. Whether loss of life will be tremendous or minimal etc. This is never wrong either. Not enough information is ever given to prevent anything happening, but enough to make it obvious afterwards that that was the event they were talking of. I have been told some personal things for friends and family, but mainly, it is about the world and this country. The MP's scandal is another. There is something I have received about Prince Charles and his future but that I shall not talk of here.

At one time I had eight different people come through with my writing. Each one had totally different writing and I felt each personality as they spoke to me. They spoke briefly and introduced themselves, telling me that we would all be working together soon and that they each had differing skills to offer. One is to help me in my healing and said he was well known in his field when alive, and that although not a doctor, the work he did then was what caused big changes in the medical field and that those discoveries made then, are still in use today. He wanted to be a doctor when of this world but was unable to and that is why he went into the field he did instead. Now of Spirit, he is able to help medically and will assist in healing some who come to me.

It is rare that I do my automatic writing these days, but when I do it still comes immediately and easily. It is very legible which is unlike most I have seen other people do. The only time I do it now is when I keep getting an urge to do so. That usually means there is news they have to impart to me. I say "they" although it is William who speaks to me through his writings. He starts off speaking to me and then I sometimes feel a slight change as others may move in to add their bit. He is still the one who passes the information though. It is his writing that I receive and he is, I feel, the main spokesperson for anyone else who comes along at the time.

There was only the one time that has ever varied. the time I told you of earlier. That time was different because they needed to let me feel them in order to know them for when we work together. I will recognise them when they work with me now due to that one time. A couple stood out more than the others as they had more dominant personalities. Only one gave me his name. He is called Luke and he told me that though him I will hear spirit in a way shown me before. I look forward to this time very much indeed.

There are several things I have been told about which are yet still to happen. When something larger which will affect countries or people on a major scale is predicted, I am always given a simple bit of information with it. For example. There are some bits of information I was given at the end of April about a couple of larger events to occur later on. At the same time, I was told that someone I know was to receive a surprise marriage proposal and that it would be welcomed with open arms. A marriage would soon follow as there would be no need to wait but it would be a marriage I would not go to though. A couple more bits of information were also given to me on that matter that must remain private as they are to do with that same person and not for me to talk of publicly. I was informed that this little bit was given to me in order that when it came to pass I would then know that all else told to me was also correct. This has now already happened and it happened to someone who said she had no intention of marrying again. And, no, I won't be going to the wedding. No one will. They have decided to go away and do it without telling anyone when it will be.

My writings (as I call them) is only one small part of what I do and is always about the future or warnings about the planet and how it can be put right. One day, I shall be instrumental in spreading this word. I don't know how or when that will be, but I was told it would be so and so I have to believe that it will happen as predicted. My other work is Mediumship and Healing. All of this is done with no certificates, training or any other such stuff. If one is born to do this work then the only Teacher one needs is not of this world. My Teacher cannot be matched by anyone here. There are those who can help develop a gift if one has it, but it cannot be man made even though many say it can be and wish for it to be so.

I only ever wish to work with the very highest energy and to me that is God. I have total trust and belief in Him and all His works. All who come to me to assist in this work are from Him and I will never work with anything or anyone lower. I am able to tell immediately if something feels wrong around me and it is always when sitting with someone who does not believe in God (or whatever name you call him by) or a greater energy than they themselves. This to me, is what is meant, when the "Discernment of Spirits" is talked of in the Bible. To see the true spirit within a person and the state of their hearts or souls and the calibre of spirit who works with that person. Man is full of ego and it is impossible to do this work properly is one's ego gets in the way. Sadly this happens in many cases. No matter how good the intentions, man's ego is a powerful tool and can often intrude.

Many good mediums have let their ego's become greater than God's work and they forget that they are but instruments. Money and fame are the greatest problems when they become at risk of letting this happen to them. The truly good and honest mediums will not allow this to happen and will always work with great humility and respect for the gifts they have been given. What God has given, God can just as easily take away.

I love being able to help others and wish only ever to do it to the best of my ability and hope never to offend God or to use these gifts for the wrong reasons. My big wish in life now, is to remain healthy enough to do this work for as long as possible. It has taken me many years to learn various aspects and how to use them properly. I have been to many places and heard strange teaching methods and outright rubbish. Only a handful are teaching how this should be done in order not to compromise the high standards required. Most seem to think that they are able to "give" these gifts to their "pupils" by putting them in groups and allowing any Tom, Dick or Harry to join in. There is not a man (or woman) alive who can do that. Steer well clear of these places if you want to see true, natural mediums.

What I have just said doesn't mean all development groups are bad or wrong, they aren't. Just be very selective. Sit, watch and listen before you commit yourself to anything. Be very careful and if you do have a natural, God given talent then you will be guided. Trust your inner voice, for often that is when God is speaking to you. If you wish to try anything I talk of, then test the Spirits to see from whence they come. Do not trust everything or everyone you connect with as not all are for the good. If in doubt don't. If ever you try anything and what you get turns out to be untrue or never happens, then you are not working with good spirits. God never lies. Remember that. Everything God does is good. All that comes from Him is good. If you work that way and place your trust in Him and those He sends to assist in this work, then you will never go wrong.

Sunday, 14 June 2009


How is the world today?
It's sad to see the change

For our children aren't safe anywhere anymore
There's murder and mayhem and world wide wars
Kidnapping, mugging, now road rage too
What in the world are we all coming to?

How bad is the world today?
So different from long times past

For our doors are all bolted, windows are locked
Not safe in our beds, it's time to take stock
There are burglars, vandals, homelessness too
We're even too nervous to watch all the news.

How sad is the world today?
For we brought it upon ourselves

How did we get in this terrible state
And can it now change, or is it too late?
Scared to go out and scared staying in
What a terrible world we're all living in.

How poor is the world today?
So full of everyone's greed

For it's this that has made us what we all are
We're all just as guilty-you needn't look far
To see what has given us our terrible lives
For we're selfish and greedy and so full of strife.

The world could be rich today
If all of us changed our ways

And were contented and happy without needing wealth
And looked out for others forgetting ourselves.
To be kind and thoughtful to man and to beast
Is all it would take to bring us all peace.

Thursday, 11 June 2009


I touched briefly before on automatic writing and that I had done some. I'll explain more in depth here how that first came about. It was at least 12 or 13 years ago. It wasn't long after the lottery started whenever that was. The reason I know that is because I was given three numbers for it. Yes, sadly only three.

At that time we lived in another part of the Bay and our house was quite secluded with a garden that was regularly visited by rabbits with their babies, Flash and Harry (2 mice) and pheasants amongst others. It was a lovely garden and the animals never disturbed any plants as they were all fed with appropriate food bought weekly. So, there I was sitting in my usual chair at the window looking out at the garden. It was a Saturday afternoon at about 3pm and as I sat I had a pad on knee and a pen in my hand. It was lottery day and my usual habit was to sit and blank my mind then write the first numbers which came into my mind.

As I sat there this particular day, I started to daydream a little. As I did so, I felt the pen start to move on the paper. I sat up properly, shook myself to alertness and tried to concentrate. As I waited for a number to come into my mind the pen started to move again. This time I questioned it. Why? What was happening? I was sure it wasn't me. The third time it happened I realised that maybe I should see if I could concentrate on that instead and watch what else would happen if I didn't quickly snatch my hand away.

In my head, I placed the thought that if anyone wanted to communicate I was willing to let them. I hasten to add that at this time of my life I thought that was baloney (rubbish). I knew loads of other things happened to me but automatic writing? Please!! I waited and within less than half a minute the pen started to move excrutiatingly slowly on the paper. I held the pen so loosely that it was difficult for anything to happen. I now know that you should hold it properly. Anyway. I got a load of joined up number 8's - or that's what they appeared to be. What is the point of that, I thought. So I asked whoever was there to give me numbers for the lottery that night. I must say that I did this very tongue in cheek because, as I said, I thought it was all a load of rubbish.

I got three numbers. It took about 10 minutes to write them as it was so slow in coming but there they were. I don't know about America, but in England we pick six numbers per line. I usually did two lines and so I wrote the three numbers I had been "given" on one line and added another three of my own. I then did the same thing with line two. Went to the shop, paid my money and thought what a fool I was. I wasn't. Those three numbers came up. At the time (I think it still is) you won £10 for getting 3 numbers correct. I won £20 as I had put them in both lines.

It actually freaked me out a little I have to admit. Although I saw things, knew things and smelled things, this was different. This was like someone else was there and was a little creepy. It took me about a week or more to get up enough courage to try it again. I waited for a quiet afternoon, sat in the same chair in the same way and waited to see what would happen. This time I would be better prepared. Or so I thought. I held the pen and asked if anyone was there. After a short while the pen started its slow move on the paper. My heart was bumping and banging. I asked what their name was and when they had died. Again it moved. Was it me? Oh my God what on earth was I doing. It took positively ages, but a name was written, albeit very shakily and a year.

At this point I had scared myself to death and so I flung the pen and the book on the floor got up paced around the room trying to calm myself. The name was a little confusing at the end because I thought it was double O but the O's didn't look quite right for some reason. I left the room and waited till my husband got home from work. Over dinner, I told him what had happened. When I told him the name I had got he told me there had been a poet by that name. Well, knock me down with a feather. The name was William Cowper. It is pronounced Cooper hence the funny looking letters. I think it had been done that way to show me the pronunciation.

He went to the bookcase and took out the dictionary. Looking up Cowper, he asked what year I had been given - it was 1800. That was only the year he died!!!!!
Oh my goodness I really had the creeps now. That was the start. There is more to this that gets even more incredible. I have said enough for now and it'll get to be too much to read on a screen so I will tell you more about this next time.

Loads of love,


Sunday, 7 June 2009


Yesterday, I was asked, along with others, to attend a fund raising day for a Community Centre and to do "readings" for them. It absolutely poured down and so the day was rather poorly attended. However, quite a few of the people who came wanted a reading and of the ones I did, three of them stand out for various reasons.

The first I shall talk of is a lady who wanted pure mediumship. Now, I've already explained the differences between mediumship, psychic work and what I call "fortune telling". The latter of these is one I refuse to get involved with and the first is the one I favour along with healing.

Let me set the scene. I was in a room which was usually used as an office. It had been tidied up for my use that day and someone had put lots of different crystals in there. Now I love crystals and have many very large ones in my collection. I do not, however, think of them as anything other than very pretty to look at. There are those who believe they have healing properties, but I am not one of those people. Their presence did, however, lend a little extra to the atmosphere in the room together with several candles that I had lit in order to make the room appear more homely and welcoming.

Scene set, in comes the first "client" of the day. She was a very pleasant lady who appeared quite calm but was most insistent that all she wanted was mediumship. She didn't want a psychic reading or Angel Cards to be used, just pure, unadulterated mediumship. Excellent. I just hoped I was able to link in and give her what she was after. When I do a reading for someone I do not like them to have a conversation with me. You never know what they may let out about themselves or those connected to them. I ask them to hold off on that until after the reading is finished. All I want is "yes" or "no" answers to anything or a "maybe" if that's more pertinent. This is what I asked her to do.

There were many things I got for her and obviously I cannot give away private information, but you don't know her and it is, therefore, alright to give a little detail of what followed. I described her husband who had died and gave detailed information about him. I also mentioned a nephew, giving his name, and details of a situation with him of which her husband was aware. I then proceeded to tell her the situation she was worrying over and that her husband thought the solution she was thinking about would be a good decision to make. She confirmed this information was correct and said that was exactly the question she had come hoping to hear about.

I gave her several names of other people involved which also proved correct. There was advice given to her on another matter that I said she had been worrying over and I told her what her husband advised. I then also had to relay a warning about a necklace she was about to give to someone. Her husband didn't want it to go to that particular person. She confirmed that she was going to give the necklace to the person he stated and would now not do so.

The reading ended with me telling her that he was aware that she had received a large bouquet of yellow flowers that day and that he, in turn, was giving her pink flowers and a kiss on the cheek. She glowed with happiness and then told me that it was her 88th birthday that very day and that she had indeed received yellow flowers that morning. She also told me that he always gave her pink flowers on her birthday. That lady of 88 had caught 3 different buses in the pouring rain in order to come for that reading and she said it was worth it as I had made her day perfect. THAT is what is wonderful about mediumship. THAT is what the gifts are about. Not "fortune telling".

The second one I shall not talk of in detail. She is only to be mentioned to explain what mediumship is NOT about. She came in and sat down with her arms folded, legs crossed and informed me that she was there to get proof that her husband was with her and that she wanted him to tell her something she already knew. That was the only thing she wanted. No-one else, nothing else about anything else only that one thing. I explained that wasn't how it worked but she was not prepared to listen. She insisted I had to do what she said and that if I didn't then it proved it was all a load of rubbish. I will not work with someone like that and instead I tried to explain how it is done and that you cannot get who they want. It is only who is able (or wants in some cases) to come through.

I actually DID get her husband through and described him, his car make and colour and their home and where it was. I described his size, said what he had passed with and where it was located. All correct but wrong!! Wrong for her. She got annoyed and said that was all very well but that isn't what she wanted to hear. He must tell her what she wanted or else she wouldn't believe anything. Her very attitude blocked anything further and I wan't prepared to carry on with her interrupting all the time telling me to hurry up and get to the point she was there for.

I picked up psychically what was wrong and what it was she wanted and it proved correct. I could not get anything from her husband about it and never expected to. It was something that is not for us to know but she couldn't accept that. I had another medium come in and sit with her and she too had the same problem. The lady went away disgruntled and not at all happy even though her husband had come through. She was most ungrateful and it made me wonder what sort of life he had with her when she was able to dismiss the very fact he had come through at all. She agreed she had been very spoiled through her life and he always gave her anything she wanted. Not this time lady!!

The third one was a young lad recently back from Afghanistan. I shall not tell anything about his reading apart from the fact he broke down in tears and sobbed on my shoulder. It was almost a counselling session for him as well as a reading. He, like the first lady, got exactly what he came for and although he got upset, some was due to what he had seen and gone through and some was due to the fact he found comfort in things I told him and described. He too went away very happy from his reading.

So you can see from this little bit that there is more to mediumship than spouting out a load of nonsense and tales of tall dark handsome men or riches forthcoming. It is that sort of nonsense that most people want when seeking out a clairvoyant. I do see a little of their future at times and can tell of things I see ahead for them, but that is a very small part of the work I do. What I have just talked about is how I prefer to work and in my eyes, that is how I believe God wishes it to be done. He didn't give us these gifts to tell people mundane, silly things to do with one's personal life and how to lead it.

After helping people and bringing them comfort or answers to things I couldn't otherwise have possibly known about them or their loved ones, I am left with an incredible feeling. It makes me feel quite humble that I may have been chosen to work in this way to bring comfort to others. It may be in a very small way but how wonderful is that? I am well blessed indeed and it is for this reason that I feel quite saddened and sickened by the things I hear about when charlatans cheat these people. Imagine that young lad back from Afghanistan getting cheated by a fraud out to take his money and giving him a load of rubbish. It is these people who often would leave someone like him in a bad way afterwards. This work brings huge responsibility with it and should never be treated lightly or abused. I hope and pray that I shall never do this even unwittingly and that I am allowed to continue in this work for as long as I am able.

God Bless,
