Sunday, 31 May 2009


Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I like that saying as it can mean so much. I have cleared MR Archer out of my life by writing that diatribe you all had to put up with and I apologise for it. I do feel better for it though. Then this morning, I cleared out a lot of dead wood amongst my followers. Why do so many people on Twitter want hundreds and thousands of followers? I clear them once a week as I like REAL people to talk to and follow.

We meet some really super people through Twitter don't we. Those of you who are reading this have so much to offer to others. You are the ones I find very interesting to hear about. I love reading your tweets and blogs where appropriate. Good works, funny, caring, interesting and just good old fashioned nice(My English teacher told me to never use that word -sorry Mrs Nester) people. I love people like you. You make my day more pleasant and up lifted, so thank you all. Keep those tweets coming and the e-mails.

I'm not doing a real entry today, but this is just to let you know we are back to normal service now. I thought I would let you have something not so serious to read this time to lighten matters up a bit. I'm going to be horrid now. I wrote a poem years ago about a lot of the people in this town. None of them will read it as I shouldn't think they know what a computer is let alone how to use one. When I got married I ended up mixing with them and it was horrendous. they didn't have a brain cell between them and I started getting like them !!! Anyway, it's a bit bitchy but is so typical of the plastic people of today. Badly written as I'm not a writer or a poet, but thought you may like it.


With painted nails and face full of goo
They all meet for coffee and luncheon too.
With furs and diamonds and bleached blond hair
They parade around in designer wear.
Squeezed in clothes a size too small
And wearing high heels to make them feel tall
They'll raise some money by drinking champagne
Though nobody knows who's ever gained.

They've never cleaned and can rarely cook
But are very adept at maintaining their looks.
They go to their gyms and hairdressers too
And look down their noses at me and you.
They all speak at once - though there's nothing to say
As they've not used their brains and they've wasted away.
They race around town in their flashy cars
And try to look busy but never go far.
A divorce here and there what does it matter
For dahling that's made my balances fatter.

Not a penny was earned in an honest way
But by using men and making them pay.
About their ages they'll always lie,
And will never change till the day they die
For the bodies God gave them are all made of plastic
Like the money they spend and it's all very drastic.
But at least we can watch them and laugh with glee
For we have a REAL life - you and me.

I hope you enjoyed that. The funniest part of it is - just after I had finished writing it my doorbell rang. I put the book down (open) with the pen on top of it and went to answer the door. It was a woman who I knew but didn't really mix with anymore. Don't get me wrong, she's a lovely person just, well, empty. I don't know how else to describe her. I don't want to be horrible but there isn't anything else I can say about her apart from the fact shes, well, nice.
Anyway, she came in and I offered her coffee as one does and went to make it. On my return to the room I saw she was holding the book and had read the poem. Oh s***, thought I. Well, I had to laugh because she looked at me and asked if it was about her!!! Well, if the cap fits. She was chuffed to bits by the thought of it. Doesn't that say it all.