Monday, 19 October 2009


By now you all know that I have pretty strong opinions on things and am not afraid to speak out. The possible postal strikes is one of those things that I have no time for. I had quite a diatribe with a postal worker about this very thing on Twitter. He/she tried to tell me that they were doing it for US!! No, I am very sorry, but NO striker ever did it for the people. They do it for themselves and what they want from their bosses.

I have no problem with what this person told me about their present working conditions, but I do have a problem with their attitude. All over this country today, there are people being treated in the most disgusting way by their bosses. I have been in the workplace at the hands of these people who believe themselves to be all powerful. The truth is, people at work are being bullied, used and abused by their employers. They are threatened with losing their jobs if they don't work unpaid overtime and often are unable to take their holiday entitlement. I had the same at work, I never took holiday as I was told that they were too busy. If I wasn't that worried about my job then there may not be one there for me when I got back. And as for their argument about the amount of workers - when I left my last job it was split between 5 people. Yes, 5 people. That is how hard I was working so don't tell us how hard done by you are. We ALL are these days.

How disgraceful is this behaviour? Sadly, it is not uncommon behaviour and the majority of workers today are having to put up with this treatment. Why this is allowed to happen when it is common knowledge I do not know. It is time the Government stepped in in did something about it. I do not for one moment believe people who go out to do an honest days work should be treated in this way. It is making people ill and once the company has burned you out, you're replaced without any feelings of conscience on their part. They just use you until there's nothing left.

Now, all of this said, how many of these people go on strike? I am sure that many, if not all, of you reading this are going through the same treatment at your place of work. Have YOU thought of going on strike? No. So why do these postal workers think that they will win the sympathy of the general public if they do? Don't they realise that by their very action, they are making the lives of all fellow sufferers worse? Their strike action is only going to antagonise everyone in the country. If everyone else has to put up with it, and far worse in some cases, why should postal workers feel it is their right to make life even worse for people? Are they so unintelligent that not one of them can see this is the only outcome they will achieve? They will get no sympathy from anyone except Labourites who would all go on strike given half the chance.

It may seem harsh, but kick the whole lot out and give their jobs to people who are desperate for a wage. There are people out there who have been seeking a job for a long time with no joy. Honest, hard working, decent people who only want to get out there and do any job, even ones they are well over qualified for. These people would gladly take their jobs and would do them well. No one is irreplaceable and maybe they should realise that. We all like to think we are very important and that we would be missed if we went. The reality is very different. There is always someone else able to step in your shoes and do your job equally as well, if not better in some cases.

It is time we took a harsh line with these shirkers. There has to be another way to sort their grievances, but I do wonder just how bad things really are. The person who spoke with me to argue their point in favour of strike, was complaining about working ONE extra hour a day. ONE!! I used to do an 84 hour week for goodness sake and didn't moan. I was grateful to have a job and a wage packet which enabled me to look after my son. I have never been on the dole in my life. There are always jobs if you are willing to do anything when necessary.

I'm sorry, stop moaning and thank God that you are still in work and being given a decent wage. Yes, it is decent even if you don't think so. Everyone else is in the same boat my friends so get on with it or find something more positive to do about changing things for the better. Doing the dirty on other people is not how to gain sympathy or win votes. Think on it and maybe you'll realise that actually, you are very lucky people who will actually be able to afford Christmas for your children this year. How many unemployed can say the same!!


Some people seem to think I am complaining about our postmen/women.I'm not. They do an absolutely superb job in all weathers and against all the odds of badly addressed or almost illegible envelopes. I would hate to see them disappear from our streets and fear that this may happen. I thank each and every one of them for the incredible job they do, but I do stand by what I say about the strike action. I have spoken to many postal workers who are actually AGAINST the idea of striking and do not agree with points put forward in its favour. From this, it would appear not ALL postal workers are of the opinion that there should be a strike and some do, in fact, agree with my opinions.