Thursday, 13 August 2009


Every day now we are reading about those poor boys who are being killed or maimed in Afghanistan. Well I for one am sick of it and have decided we all need to do something to make our government stop this slaughter. There is no other word for it. I am both disgusted and angered by the fact that those in control (and I say that very tongue in cheek) of our country seem not to care what happens to our troops or to us.
It is high time we citizens of the United Kingdom spoke up and demand it stops. We sit back idly and watch all manner of things happening in our country today. We are used and abused by many foreigners who come here and demand their human rights. What about OUR human rights? This is OUR country and we have human rights as well. This debacle in Afghanistan is just another example of this weak and ineffectual Government's ludicrous lack of backbone or control over anything. They are "yes" men and women who are scared stiff to offend anyone who is not British. What about us? What about our boys who are dying needlessly every day for a war that isn't even ours? How much longer are we all going to sit and watch and accept this senseless carry on?
This bunch of self serving politicians need to know that it is time they served the BRITISH people and not everyone else BUT the British people. They are meant to be The British Government and have been elected (or not as in Gordon Brown's case) to serve the British public. Then it is high time that is what they did. Well I am prepared to take on the Government if no-one else is. I am disgusted that this is being allowed to continue for so long. Give me a voice and I shall shout it from the rooftops. I am scared of no man least of all mealy mouthed, spineless politicians whose only thought is to look after number one. Is anyone prepared to have this said aloud and publicly? Is anyone else prepared to join me in this?
Let's all start to stand up for our lads and give them the support and help they deserve and so badly need. The help, respect and salvation from senseless deaths that our Government is willing to sit back and watch.
I hope that this letter can become public and that the content will be taken up in order that the people of this country can be heard. I'm not worried if the PM or his bunch of merry old men and women like me. I am prepared to stand up to them and demand our boys be brought home forthwith. Either that or they need to give us a very good reason why they are there. This is something they have been unable to do so far and none of us is happy with the feeble reasons they have tried to give up till now.
A very upset, frustrated and angry, supporter of our troops.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with everything you say. However, I suggest you remove your full name - there are lots of idiots around. You need to be more careful to protect your identity.
