Monday, 4 May 2009

Welcome to my Blog.

I shall, from time to time, give tips on awakening your psychic potential, healing tips and general information on my beliefs about mediumship/healing etc. Remember, these are only my thoughts and I respect ALL other beliefs and unbeliefs that other people may have.

This Blog is to be mainly for my feelings about these things and may, from time to time, contain other material about myself, home, or whatever I feel like on any particular day. I shoot from the hip and am very direct and honest. I never mean to offend but beware, I have very strong opinions on some things.

I am happy to do tissue readings by post and you are welcome to e-mail me with any queries about this. It is something that most people seem to ask for from me. Once they have had a reading, it is the tissue reading that they liked most. Although a medium I do clairvoyant work also. These are slightly different as clairvoyance, to me, can be either mediumistic or psychic. There is a difference and I shall explain that next time for those who don't understand.

I must stress that I am NOT a fortune teller and never shall be. If that is what you're after then you are reading the wrong Blog. You will get what you need not what you want. I tell what I see but it is not written in stone and is for a guide only. I will not make anything fit to suit either you or me and my charges are minimal for all postal readings and otherwise.

That is all for now folks, but I shall look forward to updating here from time to time and shall try to keep you interested.
happy reading,
