Saturday, 9 May 2009


For those who are interested this is the start of how to try and develop your psychic potential. It will take more than one update for this as there is quite a bit to say on this matter and many ways to try and do it. I am going to tell you what I have been guided to say. I have written a book which is inspired and tells of what is right and wrong and the good ways to do all of this. It also states that all can be psychic but not all can be mediums. For those who wish to try to develop their psychic awareness I shall now start to guide you. Do not expect results immediately as this takes time.

What follows is not extracts from the book, but is written taking advice from what was given to me at the time. The book is very informed and full of all manner of things. It is not published but when ready I shall look to having it published. I have no doubt I will be guided as to when and how this shall be done. As the book was inspired from the world of spirit (I believe) then there can be no other better teacher can there. Surely they know better than we who still tread this earth and are still learning. So now we begin.

First of all you should be very comfortable. Not hungry or thirsty, too hot or too cold. Nor should you have over eaten. The secret is to be as comfortable as you can be. Turn off all televisions, radios and telephones and make sure that any animals you have will not disturb you at this time. The chair you sit in must also be comfortable. There are many people who try to teach that you need to sit up straight with feet both planted firmly and squarely on the floor and that your arms must be unfolded, legs uncrossed etc. etc. All a load of rubbish. I have never sat like that in my life. If you're meant to do psychic work you can do it. Mediumship is the same I get it any way I sit, stand or lie. If they want to get through they will and it doesn't matter what rituals you do.

If you want to light a scented candle for atmosphere then fine, but I would suggest NO music as this can intrude on the peace and quiet needed to do this exercise. Now, when you are ready I want you to close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. Breath in through your nose deeply and exhale through your mouth slowly. Do this twice more. The only reason for this is to regulate your breathing and slow your heart rate in order that you become more relaxed.

Now, what you are to do is just completely relax and try to clear your mind. This is almost impossible to do, but you can control the thoughts and stop them racing. I want you to try to sense your surroundings. What can you smell? What can you hear? What can you feel? Be aware of any smells you sense. Anything at all and let your senses linger on it for as long as you wish. There is no hurry for any of this. When you are ready to move on, then try to sense something else in the room. This time it may be another smell or a sound, a ticking clock for example.

Just carry on this way for about 5 minutes or so. When you have done this, then try to feel if there is anything else you can sense in the room. NOT objects, just sound or smells. Something that you may not otherwise have been aware of. Maybe you will just sense a total feeling of peace. That is fine. Enjoy it because at this very early stage we are not trying to do anything else. I just want you to awaken your senses and develop them so that they become more sensitive.

Concentrate on parts of your body for example. Maybe your hands or one hand. See how one may feel different to the other. Is it cold, is it hot or does it feel of anything or nothing. Do this with various parts of your body. This is all about making you become aware. Whatever you do at this stage keep the focus on sounds, smells, and you. Don't move on to anything else yet. there is time for this. Each time you feel your mind wander bring it back and focus on a part of your body. If you always bring the attention back to one particular place you will find this a lot easier to do.

If, for example, you are allowing smells to wash over you and your mind wanders off to other subjects, bring it back to your left hand. When ready then carry on as before. As soon as the mind wanders again then bring it back to your left hand again. Keep doing this until you discipline yourself.

It is so important not to rush these early stages. Some of you may find that you become aware of more things going on than others. This could be because you have a natural ability to tune in to a bit more than we're doing here. Don't worry about that as I'll go into that at another time. For now we are just awakening the psychic potential inside us.

The first time you do this I don't want you to spend more than about 15-20 minutes at it. There is no need to time yourself otherwise you'll spend all the time worrying how long you've been doing it!! Defeats the whole object then really doesn't it? If you want to, this can be done daily until you become more attuned and comfortable with what you are doing. After a couple of times you will find that you are noticing more than you did the first time you did it. It is then that we are ready to move on. If there is someone you really trust and feel comfortable with, it would be good to do this together, because we are going to move onto a stage where you will work together.

If you have never sat and tried to do this gentle exercise before then you may find it unsuccessful first time. That is quite usual but don't give up. This is NOT meditation, it is just learning to sit in a quiet space and be very comfortable with it. Until you learn to do that you will find the rest difficult. Eventually, you will be able to"link in" to energies or psychic energies at will, but first we need to awaken this potential and this is how it starts. Very frustrating I know, but it will move along quicker than you think if you do it properly.

I would like you to do this for a while and then we shall move on to the next stage which will be "feeling" energy of objects around you by extending your aura. Then it'll be feeling the energy of the person you are sitting with, and from that we shall move onto psychometry. Next time I shall talk just of extending the aura and feeling what is around you. Please try not to do that just yet though. For now just sit each day as I have said and see what happens to your mind. Feel how relaxed you become. How much more aware of other feelings you would otherwise have been too busy to notice. For those who have the time, you could do this simple exercise once in the morning and again in the afternoon or evening. It is never a bad thing as all you are doing at this stage is learning to totally relax.

There is no set time for this and so if when you feel you have done enough and the clock shows you have only spent ten minutes at it, fine. No problem, that is enough. Your body and mind will generally guide you to how long you need each time. Just try not to do more than 20 minutes maximum. You may well find that ten minutes is enough at first, especially if you are not used to relaxing!

When you have finished, please do not get up immediately. Take your time. Open your eyes and let your body adjust to being "awake" fully again. This may only take a couple of minutes, but if you feel you need longer then take longer. I hope you enjoy this first exercise and I'll look forward to moving on to the second step with you shortly. I would love to know how you get on so if you feel like it then please let me know.

Good luck and God Bless,
