Sunday, 13 September 2009


Reading the paper today, I came across something about Halal meat. It was very distressing to read how the poor animals are treated and killed in readiness for human consumption. I an not a vegetarian and feel very guilty that I'm not. This is something that is starting to affect me more and more as time goes on. I am an animal lover and am horrified at the way these creatures are treated by mankind. All manner of slaughter is inhumane and cruel. It causes unnecessary suffering, fear and distress to the animal.

I mentioned Halal meat, but that is not an attack at it. It's just that reading about it made me think about ALL forms of slaughter. Abattoirs are horrendous places, and if most meat eaters went to one, I feel sure they would never eat meat again in their lifetime. These places are meant to be governed properly and attended by RSPCA officials. I can't see that being so. The stories that get leaked out, videos and photographs would all show that not to be the case.

Is there a way we can put an end to this dreadful, needless suffering and cruelty? What type of person can do that sort of work anyway? Why do they have to treat the animals as they do beforehand? I am sickened by what I read and see. I cannot look at photographs any more, nor can I read the stories printed on a more and more regular basis about these atrocities. I have cried so often and cannot sleep without nightmares after seeing or hearing these stories.

How hypocritical am I? To say all of this and then sit and eat bacon and eggs or a lovely roast beef meal is quite sick isn't it? Am I worse than these people who treat these poor animals in so horrendous and cruel a way? They are honest about what they do even though in my eyes they are monsters. And yet here I sit in my comfortable home able to go to a butcher or supermarket, pick up something that doesn't resemble anything likening an animal, come home and cook and eat it. I then sit and read an article that upsets me, get on my high horse and say how wicked this treatment of animals is.

I would LOVE to be a vegetarian, but I love my bacon and my beef. Is there a way we can eat meat without this cruelty and suffering happening? I used to be against hunting and I still am if it is done for what they call "sport". After all, sport is when the odds are even and each has an equal chance. Nothing equal about what they do is there? On the other hand, hunting when it is for the food chain is a different matter. It is a clean quick kill without any fear being felt by the animal beforehand. Is this the way to go then? Should we have people who are licensed to do this work on a larger scale somehow?

I don't know how this would work and there are many that say this wouldn't produce enough food. Well just look at how much meat and poultry is thrown away on a daily basis. All of that meat was once an animal which lived and breathed as we do. Its life was taken in an incredibly fearful, cruel, slow and painful way and for what? To be thrown mercilessly in a bin somewhere and discarded with no thought by anyone.

It is stated that God gave these animals to us for food, but nowhere is it stated that they should be treated in this way. Quite the contrary in fact. What can we do and can we do something to stop this from happening? There are those who already fight for animals to be protected and treated properly and humanely. There are not enough of them though. Then there are those who are so fanatical that they go about things completely the wrong way and are just barmy. These people ruin the good work done by others and stop the cause being taken seriously. There must be a way this can be done though. In my eyes, it is high time we all stood up and shouted about it. maybe we should all target our MP's and make them do something about it.

People power is a great thing if done properly and I am seriously considering getting my MP to do something for me. An Early Day Motion in the House of Commons would be a start. From that we could go for the 10 minute Debate and see where it takes us. Anyone else up for it? We don't all have to become vegetarians to look after these animals. We just need to have them treated properly, humanely and with the respect they deserve.

Please tick a box on the poll at the side of this article, thank you, Lorraine.