Tuesday 29 September 2009


Help for Heroes, for those who don't know, is a charity set up by a couple of people who were moved by the plight of injured/maimed troops returning from Afghanistan. The charity Bryn and Emma Parry founded has, to date, raised £27 million. That is amazing. These are the types of people that the British Honour's system was actually intended for. The ordinary man or woman off the street who did something over and above what is normal day to day achievements or work.

I'm not saying only ordinary people should be awarded or recognised, it can be for anyone at all. It could be celebrities, sports people, politicians, whatever. The problem is that these days the Honours are given out to people who are doing a normal days work. Usually people who are already being feted and fawned all over and have wonderful life styles with hardly any, or no, money worries.

It is not meant to be for footballers, golfers, cricketers, show business people, politicians or council workers. Yes, some of these categories may be entertaining us, but they are very highly paid for doing so. They are also given many freebies and are invited to all manner of dinners and events without having to pay a penny out of their own pockets. They have a wonderful life style.

Then you get the people who go to work every day in jobs they hate just in order to bring in a meagre wage packet. What they earn is barely enough to survive on in some cases and they certainly aren't given much thanks for the jobs they do. In fact, most today are treated in a disgusting way by their bosses and companies. With very little left over once bills are paid, if anything, they don't go to gala dinners, premiers or get given designer clothes to wear. No, and yet these ordinary people are the ones who often put themselves out for others. They are the ones who do the most extraordinary things to help make other people's lives better.

How sick has this Honours list become when it is now full of people who are doing something they are well rewarded for anyway. It is high time the people of this country who do outstanding work were repaid. Not the little local councillor who is usually full of his/her own self importance. Why should they get an honour There may well be the odd exception to the rule like Ian Botham whose reward was well deserved for all of his charity work. If he had been awarded a gong for his cricket prowess I wouldn't have been impressed at all. All celebrities, no matter what category that falls into, should only be awarded an Honour if they have done something other than their jobs. The same goes for MP's, councillors and anyone else who thinks they should automatically get one without earning it.

The sad thing is, that it is the same old story, you rub mine and I'll rub yours. I wonder how many of Gordon Brown's close chums will get a major gong in the next Honours list. How many singers, sportsmen/women, actors, councillors, MP's and similar will be rewarded for doing just a day's work that they're paid to do? Don't forget, we'll also have the token lollipop man or lady, school cleaner, one teacher out of many thousands and probably a dinner lady thrown in just to pretend it's an Honours list for the people. Just how unintelligent do these people think we are? I wish to take nothing away from these people, but why exactly do they deserve an honour? Have they done something extraordinary that we know nothing of? No, it is the Governments idea of trying to fool us and pretend the list is not full of their friends.

I would like to see Bryn and Emma Parry, honoured for the incredible achievement of setting up Help For Heroes. They are the sort of people the list should be full of. If there aren't that many people who have done something extraordinary, then don't hand out so many gongs. They are becoming so commonplace as to mean almost nothing now. I can guarantee that Bryn and Emma will have spent an awful lot of their own money trying to set this charity up. Not being celebrities, they will have had to work blood, sweat and tears to get the charity off the ground and heard of. They couldn't just telephone an agent and say "get me on T.V. to publicise my cause" No, they had to do it the hard way. The way none of these so called celebrities will even begin to comprehend. I can probably also guarantee that they are not millionaire friends of the Prime Minister. The money they spent out of their own pocket will have cost them dearly I should imagine.

When you start anything like that, the costs are enormous. I know, I did it myself once in a small way. They don't get help, and unlike a millionaire to which a few thousand means nothing, it means the difference between eating or not some days to ordinary people. For all I know, Bryn and Emma could be worth a fortune, then again, they probably aren't. What they have got is more than money can buy, They have a pure heart and soul. They have what so many people in this world today lack, kindness and a wish to help others without wanting something in return for themselves. In their eyes, their reward is seeing these injured people being helped.

Well done Bryn and Emma. If this darned Government don't give you what you truly deserve, then I know God will. your rewards will be far greater than anything this world can offer. God Bless you both,



Friday 18 September 2009


Last week was the first time I felt able to try doing a reading again for someone after my health problems. For the last 18months - 2 years, I have had problems which have meant that my energy levels have been low. This in turn meant that there were times that I couldn't do readings for people even if I wanted to. It was all being blocked. Nothing at all would happen. It was as though I was put on rations. At the time, I couldn't understand what was happening. Why were there days that I could get things crystal clear and other days not a dickie bird.

It is only now that my health is improving that I realise just how unwell I've been and that I was obviously being restricted in order to preserve my energy levels in order to get through it all. My healing gift was also put to one side. As those of you who have read my psychic blogs will know, I "find" the area that has a problem with my left hand. For those who don't know, I hold my left hand about 4-5 inches above the persons body and move it around them until I feel where the problem is. I was struggling very badly indeed with this in the last few months and the ability stopped altogether. Yesterday, it appears as though it may be coming back.

I had someone here doing the housework for me as I am still unable to do certain things for a while yet. She told me her head was exploding and had been all night. She wouldn't go home and insisted she wanted to try and work through it. I sat her on a chair and placed my hands over her head. I used my left hand in the normal way moving it slowly around until I found where the problem was stemming from. I actually felt the heat showing me the exact spot the headache was coming from.

As my hands were several inches above her, she had no idea where they were placed or what I was doing. I only told her I would move my hands around above her so she wouldn't feel anything I was doing. As soon as I found the spot I needed to concentrate on, I held my hands above it. After a very short time she told me she could feel a lot of heat and told me where. It was exactly where my hands were placed. I carried on with the healing until the temperature in my hands returned to normal. This meant the healing was finished and so she then continued with her work. After about 5-10 minutes, she told me that her headache was almost gone.

I am delighted. Out of all of my gifts, healing is the one I love most. It can help so many people and I am so lucky that I have been chosen to be blessed with this most special of all the gifts. I realise that I have a way to go yet until my health is fully restored, but I have been shown that the gift of healing is being given back to me. I have no doubt that my health and the gifts will all improve in leaps and bounds now. I did my first reading last week and it went very well indeed.

The reading was actually done for someone I met in hospital the second time I was admitted. She was in the bed next to me and although she was only in there for the one night, we hit it off very well. During the day I was very poorly indeed, but many drugs later, by evening, I was well enough to chat to the other three who were in my room. One of them was a young girl of 17 and it was her first ever stay in hospital. She was a little nervous and thought our room was creepy and full of ghosts. We were actually in a very beautiful room, with very high ceilings and almost floor to ceiling arched windows which overlooked the most beautiful private gardens.

We were in the old part of the hospital which, to me, is very gracious and lovely. This young girl though was obsessed by the thought that this being a hospital, many people had died there and were probably haunting the building. She was really scaring herself. A couple of us talked to her and calmed her down and during it, I mentioned the old saying "the dead can't hurt you, it's the living who do that". She asked a couple of questions and it came out that I was a medium and clairvoyant. Well, the conversation took her mind off the other ghostly business and she became quite interested. There was much they wanted to know, but I wasn't well enough to say much, but the chat had calmed the younger girl and she went off to sleep happily, undisturbed by the hospital ghosts!

Now, when my new friend came to visit, we talked a little more of this as she was very interested in the whole subject. I asked her if she wanted me to TRY to do a reading for her explaining that it may not work. I started off quite hesitantly not knowing what would happen. It ended up as one of the best readings I've done for quite a while. She kept saying, "you're giving me goose bumps" all the way through as I kept giving her names, details and information that shocked her. The evidence she received was excellent according to her and she was thrilled. The reading lasted about an hour and I ended up taping a lot of it for her as she wanted to let her friends hear it.

I won't do it too often at the moment and shall take my time, but I have no doubt that the two occasions with the cleaner and my friend, happened to show me that my gifts are returning to me and will be able to be used properly again quite soon now. I am looking forward to starting my work helping people again as I have missed it. There are so many times when the healing has been shown to help so many people, that I would be upset to lose that gift. It is an honour to be able to be used in this way to do, what I see, as God's work. To me, it is God who does it all and I am used as an instrument. How lucky am I?

Anyway, as time progresses and more happens, I shall tell you about it. I think it may not be too long until this happens, as the girl I read for is telling all of her friends and she intends bringing them to see me. Let's wait and see what happens.

Sunday 13 September 2009


Reading the paper today, I came across something about Halal meat. It was very distressing to read how the poor animals are treated and killed in readiness for human consumption. I an not a vegetarian and feel very guilty that I'm not. This is something that is starting to affect me more and more as time goes on. I am an animal lover and am horrified at the way these creatures are treated by mankind. All manner of slaughter is inhumane and cruel. It causes unnecessary suffering, fear and distress to the animal.

I mentioned Halal meat, but that is not an attack at it. It's just that reading about it made me think about ALL forms of slaughter. Abattoirs are horrendous places, and if most meat eaters went to one, I feel sure they would never eat meat again in their lifetime. These places are meant to be governed properly and attended by RSPCA officials. I can't see that being so. The stories that get leaked out, videos and photographs would all show that not to be the case.

Is there a way we can put an end to this dreadful, needless suffering and cruelty? What type of person can do that sort of work anyway? Why do they have to treat the animals as they do beforehand? I am sickened by what I read and see. I cannot look at photographs any more, nor can I read the stories printed on a more and more regular basis about these atrocities. I have cried so often and cannot sleep without nightmares after seeing or hearing these stories.

How hypocritical am I? To say all of this and then sit and eat bacon and eggs or a lovely roast beef meal is quite sick isn't it? Am I worse than these people who treat these poor animals in so horrendous and cruel a way? They are honest about what they do even though in my eyes they are monsters. And yet here I sit in my comfortable home able to go to a butcher or supermarket, pick up something that doesn't resemble anything likening an animal, come home and cook and eat it. I then sit and read an article that upsets me, get on my high horse and say how wicked this treatment of animals is.

I would LOVE to be a vegetarian, but I love my bacon and my beef. Is there a way we can eat meat without this cruelty and suffering happening? I used to be against hunting and I still am if it is done for what they call "sport". After all, sport is when the odds are even and each has an equal chance. Nothing equal about what they do is there? On the other hand, hunting when it is for the food chain is a different matter. It is a clean quick kill without any fear being felt by the animal beforehand. Is this the way to go then? Should we have people who are licensed to do this work on a larger scale somehow?

I don't know how this would work and there are many that say this wouldn't produce enough food. Well just look at how much meat and poultry is thrown away on a daily basis. All of that meat was once an animal which lived and breathed as we do. Its life was taken in an incredibly fearful, cruel, slow and painful way and for what? To be thrown mercilessly in a bin somewhere and discarded with no thought by anyone.

It is stated that God gave these animals to us for food, but nowhere is it stated that they should be treated in this way. Quite the contrary in fact. What can we do and can we do something to stop this from happening? There are those who already fight for animals to be protected and treated properly and humanely. There are not enough of them though. Then there are those who are so fanatical that they go about things completely the wrong way and are just barmy. These people ruin the good work done by others and stop the cause being taken seriously. There must be a way this can be done though. In my eyes, it is high time we all stood up and shouted about it. maybe we should all target our MP's and make them do something about it.

People power is a great thing if done properly and I am seriously considering getting my MP to do something for me. An Early Day Motion in the House of Commons would be a start. From that we could go for the 10 minute Debate and see where it takes us. Anyone else up for it? We don't all have to become vegetarians to look after these animals. We just need to have them treated properly, humanely and with the respect they deserve.

Please tick a box on the poll at the side of this article, thank you, Lorraine.